“Monumental” is a powerful documentary created by Kirk Cameron. In it, he takes a hard and honest look at America’s past and our forefathers. The documentary starts off looking at the current state of our society. The picture is pretty bleak. Families are falling apart, divorce is becoming more common, and things like teen pregnancy, suicide, and drug use are on the rise. We are $15 trillion dollars in debt. He compares America to the Roman Empire. America has reached the top, and is standing on the brink of her fall.
Cameron says that we have forgotten what made
our nation great in the first place. The Pilgrims knew what a bad culture was
like, but they didn’t duck and run. Cameron then travels back to England to
take a good look at who the pilgrims really were and why they really left
What he discovers is not the history lesson
you received in school. They weren’t a merry little band of families that
wanted a new adventure and new land. At the time, you could be burned in
England for possessing an English Bible. The persecution was coming from the
government which controlled the church, which then controlled the people.
Leaving the church was tantamount to treason.
The pilgrims decided that if the church in
England couldn’t be made holy, then they should separate themselves (why they
were called Separatists.) They tried to escape to Holland, but the ship captain
was double-dealing and they all ended up in jail. But they didn’t allow that to
stop them. Time and again they tried to escape the tyrannical rule of the King
of England. They ended up in jail many times and their families were broken up
and separated.
Over and over, doors kept slamming on their
attempts to leave. They weren’t simply trying to escape the persecution; they
wanted to have religious freedom so they could freely read and study the word
of God (in their own language) and then RETURN to England and set the people
there free!
They finally make it to America, by the grace
of God alone. These people were incredible! As one person in the documentary
put it, the parents were willing to lay face down in the mud so their children
could walk over them to a better future. They sacrificed everything so that
their children would benefit later. They truly possessed generational vision!
The movie documents the incredible faith of
not only our forefathers, but also our founding fathers. You will be amazed at
the revision of our history in schools today, and the attempts to downplay the
faith of our ancestors. These were men of incredible courage and deep faith in
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the
we are to lose our lives in this endeavor, at least we know that our cause is
just and our cause is honorable.” –William Bradford
perspective was ‘Do the right thing over the long haul and in the long run, God
will bless it.’” –Marshall Foster
nothing like bones to remind you of your heritage.” –Marshall Foster
The movie culminates at an incredible
monument that clearly shows the beliefs of the Pilgrims, and their formula for
forming America.
One of the ending quotes of “Monumental” says
that people think the American culture cannot be reversed. But the Renaissance
and Reformation did just that centuries ago. They moved forward by going back.
The American culture is not lost. But the change begins in our own homes. Are
we living like the Pilgrims, with a generational vision for our children and
for the United States of America?
This is a documentary that I would highly
recommend for ages 13 and up. It gives an excellent overview of American history
from a Christian perspective, and how we can return to the principles our
country was founded upon.
The next time our family travels to the east coast, we'd really like to visit that important monument that is hidden away. It has so much significance behind it.
ReplyDeleteI wish we had known about that monument several years ago when we toured the east coast, Lydia! It's definitely a good reason to go back!