Friday, June 20, 2014

Cooking in Our Family

~Posted by Roma
The art of cooking is wonderful!!! It’s so much better to enjoy a good big homemade dinner than to always go out or eat fast food. Nothing is wrong with that, but I just love to enjoy a homemade meal! It’s wonderful to see how God “gives us our daily bread” when working with all kinds of colorful foods He made! I wanted to share with you a little more of what happens in our family when it comes to cooking in the kitchen.

Me cooking in our Mi kitchen over 3 years ago!

Most of the time, my Mom is the one cooking dinner. But Thursday nights Bianca gets to cook, and Tuesday nights Ruby and I cook. My Mom wanted us girls to have more experience cooking--not just baking brownies and cookies all the time. (Which is a problem for me-I love baking but I need to get experience with actual cooking.)
Most all of our meals have turned out to be pretty successful and the family loves what we’re able to put together. We’re known for our Tomato Basil Pie J…but you have to LOVE asiago cheese in order to eat this pie. Just sayin’. J

Ruby and I find that most of the time we use a cookbook called: “5 Ingredients or Less.” It’s a perfect book for beginner cooks like us.

We also love a new cookbook we received for our Rite of Passage ceremony from our dear Abuela: “The Daniel Plan Cookbook”. It has some healthy wonderful gelato, soup, salad, paninis, chicken kabobs, etc. The picture on the cover of this book is the chicken kabobs which Ruby and I grilled recently! They are delish!
Ruby and I enjoy cooking dinner and dessert every Tuesday. It’s hard work sometimes but worth it. Here are some other recipes we’ve done the past few months:
Tomato Basil Pie. We also enjoy making Pecan Crusted Chicken J but I couldn’t find a picture of that. L
We’re crazy about salad!

The BEST dessert recipe in this family is my Mom’s FAMOUS double chocolate ring CAKE! It will always be the favorite.
So as you can see, these are a few different foods we enjoy making. But if you ever want any MORE recipes, just go to our recipe page and you’ll find everything from appetizers, to meat, to cakes and cookies and more. God Bless y’all, and have a great day!


Amy said...

That salad looks scrumptious!

7 Eagles said...

It is very good indeed Amy! It's great to toss together if you're having lots of people over. And you can add just about any wonderful colorful topping you want!


Anonymous said...

that cake looks sooooo good , i love chocolate cake!, and this blog!!!

7 Eagles said...

The cake is very good, Anonymous! Welcome to our blog! If you would like the recipe, it is on the recipe page; our whole family adores this cake. :)
