Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flood Update: Part 7

~Monday (January 31)~

At 9:00 a.m., a gentleman from Erickson’s Flooring arrives with our wood bundles. He stacks them very neatly in the kitchen. I think there are about 12 bundles. Hopefully we won’t spill anything on them or trip too much!

The wood bundles neatly stacked on the floor

At 12:30 p.m., Mr. L and Mr. J arrive to begin work. They have a very full day today! Mr. L finishes painting the real color in the guest bedroom. It looks awesome! He works on tacking the carpet back in as well.

The finished color in the basement spare room!

Meanwhile, Mr. J continues tearing out the remaining kitchen flooring. He has to move the refrigerator and the stove in order to take the wood out from under them. I took this opportunity to clean 4 years of dirt off the outsides of the oven. It was quite greasy! But now it’s nice and clean.

Me, cleaning the grease off our oven.

Our kitchen topsy-turvey while Mr. J works on the flooring.

Part of the flooring Mr. J was cutting.

They were going to clean the carpets, but Mom had to go to home-team and I don’t think they wanted to stay that late into the night. I’m sure they’ll get to it tomorrow.

~Tuesday (February 1)~

Mr. J and Mr. L arrive at 8:30 a.m. Mr. L starts right off by vacuuming and cleaning the carpet. Mr. J starts putting in the new flooring. It appears it is going to take longer than I thought. I definitely think it is going to take more than one day to finish.

Mr. J working in our kitchen.

Mr. L moves all of the basement furniture to its general area, but they are still on foam blocks to let the carpet dry completely from being washed.

Our shelves back in place, but on blocks to allow the carpet to dry.

Our guest room with the furniture back in place.

Unfortunately there was some miscommunication regarding what should be done about the cat odor in the basement. It still lingers from the prior owner’s cat, who was often left alone and began spraying. Kilz was supposed to be put down on the concrete, then the carpet padding and carpet placed on top, but that didn’t happen. Hopefully that will still get done, because we’re tired of the cat smell that wasn’t our fault!

At 3:45 p.m., Mr. L and Mr. J pack up and leave, trying to beat the coming storm. It looks like they will not be back anymore this week, due to the impending blizzard. They will probably return early next week, and we will leave the house to stay in a hotel. They will need to finish laying the floor, prep everything for sanding (cover cabinets, move all furniture, etc.), sand both the old and new flooring, then stain and varnish. They also have to finish putting the basement together. I’m getting excited—the end is near! :-)

. . . To be continued. . .


Amy said...

I like the new color in the guest room. It's very cheery, without being obnoxious.

Sarah said...

You all have had quite the experience with cleaning up and repairing things from your flood! It sounds like things are moving along well, though, and I hope that continues for you. :)

7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Amy! We were very pleased with the way the color turned out. We were rather nervous for awhile until we realized the color of the primer color was NOT the final color.


7 Eagles said...

This has certainly been an interesting experience for our family, Sarah! While a lot of good has come out of it, we'd rather not repeat it! :-)
