Friday, October 10, 2014

Big Changes

When we get comfortable in life, it seems that God brings about big changes to shake things up. He has done that in our family recently . . .

On September 29th, my Dad was in a group of people that got laid off at his company. Due to financial hardships, they laid off 35+ people in 2 weeks. The news was pretty shocking to us kids. We haven't even lived in Texas for 2 years, and our Dad has never been laid off before. We were really expecting—and hoping—to stay right here in Texas until he retired.

So quite suddenly, we are living on a week-to-week basis. He has been talking with head hunters/recruiters and is already interviewing for several jobs! The very sad part is that more than likely, we will have to move. The chances of us moving out of Texas are pretty high too. Which most of us find pretty heartbreaking. </3

Right now we don't really know where we'll be moving or when. We are constantly reminded to trust in God’s provision for our family’s needs. Please be in prayer for us as we navigate this process and seek God’s direction for our family!


Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear this :( I hope you can stay encouraged by God's love and presence with you. It sounds like you're in a hard time.

7 Eagles said...

We have definitely been comforted by God's sovereignty and love for us, Christin! He is still in control. :)
