Monday, February 21, 2011

Confessions of an Addict

I had been living in denial for so long. I knew that I had an addiction, but I simply couldn’t admit it. I knew how far my addiction had seeped into my daily life and how difficult it would be to eradicate. But I also knew that if I didn’t stop . . . it could kill me.














My addiction: refined sugar.

Come back in a few days to learn about how I am conquering my addiction.


Mrs. Anderson said...

Mrs. Anderson - Coffee
Available Children (all under 20):
T- juice
D - something else: water
A - juice
G - water
E- water

Technoprairie said...

Is it the sugar you are craving or the fat? Sometimes I think it is the combo that really is the whammy.

Are you allowing yourself honey or agave?

7 Eagles said...

Thank you, Mrs. Anderson. I think you meant to put this on the math post. Your information will be useful nonetheless.

7 Eagles said...

I think it is probably a combination of both, Technoprairie. I have noticed that many foods that are high in refined sugar are also high in fat; therefore I decided that if I eliminated refined sugar, I would get rid of a lot of excess fat as well. I just noticed that I was always craving "sweet" things, and once I had a little sugar, all I wanted was more. I will be doing a post about my sugar fast in the next couple of days, so stay tuned!

I did allow myself honey and agave nectar during my fast. We actually didn't "discover" agave nectar until mid-way through my fast. My Uncle who is a physician, had told us about it a long time ago and the benefits of using it, since it has a low glycemic index. I have really enjoyed it, as you can use less agave than sugar because it is sweeter, and it dissolves better into things like beverages or cereal. It also doesn't have the strong taste honey does, so it doesn't overpower any flavors.

We have also started using pure maple syrup as a sweetener. I bet you are getting ready to tap some trees! I hope you will blog about it soon and that this will be a good year for maple syrup!
