Monday, January 7, 2013

A Special Birthday Celebration

As I mentioned last week, we had a special birthday celebration for my Abuela. She celebrated a very special birthday recently, and we wanted to make sure that we all enjoyed it together as a family when we were in Ohio over Christmas.

We all gathered at my Uncle’s house for dinner that night. My Abuela didn’t know that we were celebrating her birthday until my Uncle mentioned it before we prayed over the food.
Dinner was catered that night from an Italian restaurant to make it more special. We had chicken marsala, rigatoni, Italian bread with butter, and salad. It was all really good, but I think my favorite was the pasta (it had really good sauce!) and the bread.
And then we surprised her with not one but TWO birthday cakes along with lots of loud singing! J
The cakes were *amazing.* One was a Cassata cake, and the other was a chocolate cake with raspberry filling and chocolate ganache over top. But the only problem was that the pieces were HUGE! I don’t think anyone finished their slices completely.
After that we gave her our main gift: a picture frame with a list inside. The list was ways she has been a blessing to all of us, and we did the same number of blessings as years of her birthday (which we’ll keep a secret. J) It was all really special to her, and we were so glad that we could all celebrate this wonderful occasion together!

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