Friday, April 25, 2014

Gators and Crocs

~Posted by Josiah

This week I am going to have two parts, alligators and then crocodiles. But first I am going to answer a question some people may have, and that is what’s the difference between the two? One difference is gators have a round snout, and crocs have more of a pointed snout. Now I’ll talk a little bit about both of them:


About it: Many rivers and lakes of Africa are home to this large reptile: the crocodile! Crocodiles stay on the riverbank in the warm sun. Hunter crocs float near the top of the water, waiting for an unlucky animal to walk by. They strike quickly with their strong jaws and sharp teeth.


There are a couple different kinds of alligators: one, the Caimen, is very rare because it is hunted for its skin. American alligators have very strong jaws that can break cattle bones, but if the mouth is shut, an adult human could hold it shut. (But that does not mean you should go around trying to hold alligators’ mouths shut!)

I hope y’all liked my post. I can’t wait to do another!


Unknown said...

Very informational Josiah! Looking forward to another! You and my son have similar interests and would get along great! Keep up the awesomeness sir!

Debbie said...

Hi Josiah,
This was a very good post! We see gators quite often down here. They are interesting creatures.

Love you,
Aunt Debbie

7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Mr. Ben! I would enjoy meeting your son one day. I love animals!


7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Aunt Debbie! I hope sometime to see an alligator in the wild.
