Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Moving In Day

Thursday, December 6th, was our big moving day! We had lived in Dad’s apartment for several days while we waited for the moving van to arrive with all of our things from Michigan. We were anxious to get into our new house!
We arrived at the house around 8:00 a.m. to meet the movers. They were running a little late, and arrived around 8:20 a.m.

Unfortunately they ran into a little problem: they couldn’t get the trailer through our gate! It was just too narrow and the shoulder of the road was too soft. Apparently, narrow is the gate that leads to our house! J

They had to call their corporate office and get permission to order a shuttle. Our driveway is VERY long so they needed something to haul a large amount of stuff from the trailer to the garage.

While we waited for them to return, we kids went on a walk down our road. Our next door neighbors have some absolutely beautiful horses! They’re very friendly as well.

Around 10:00 a.m. they finally arrived back with a big U-Haul truck and started unloading everything. That’s when the real craziness began! J All day long they were loading the truck, bringing it up the driveway, unloading it into the house, and repeating the process. We were very busy directing them where things should go.

One big problem we had all day involved the neighbor’s dogs. We don’t even know where these dogs came from, but they seem to really like our house! The movers had to leave the doors open all day to carry things in and out. The two dogs ended up inside our house on many occasions. We finally gave up trying to shoo them out; it was a losing battle. By the end of the night, the little Basset hound was sleeping curled up on our kitchen floor.

For lunch Mom went out and got us Sonic burgers and fries. I had never had them before, but they were good even though they were a bit pricy.

Our garage quickly filled up with boxes, both full and empty. It’s a bit of an adjustment trying to find a place for everything that was in our basement and our shed, since we have neither out here.

One of the families from our new church brought dinner over for us. It was a big blessing to us!

I never cease to be amazed what professional movers can do! They managed to take this huge hide-a-bed couch all the way upstairs and fit it into our office. They are awesome! We were blessed to have very nice packers, loaders, and driver. Three of the guys that came to Texas were the ones that had loaded up the trailer in Michigan. I think it helps the transition go a bit easier. Even though we hardly knew anyone here, we could at least have the same people unloading our things!

Daddy signing all the papers at the end. It’s a done deal now!

The movers didn’t leave until 10:20 p.m.! They were really pushing to finish it in one day, despite the unexpected delay with the truck. Our driver (pictured above) had a big reason to hurry; his wife had their 7th baby earlier this week! The baby came 2 weeks early, so he wasn’t able to be home for the delivery. If he can stay on schedule with his deliveries, he can get home by the 16th. Please pray that Mr. K and his family will be reunited soon!

We all crashed into bed that night. It felt so good to have a real bed after camping out on the floor for a whole week! Now all we have to do is unpack the 260+ boxes and get everything put away. J I wonder how long that will take . . .


Alexis Wassenberg said...

Fun, fun! It's so neat that your driver's wife just had her 7th baby! Children are such a blessing from the Lord!

Have a blessed week!

Joyfully His,

7 Eagles said...

Children are indeed a blessing, Alexis! I was really happy when December 16th came and I knew Mr. K could meet his little one! :-)
