Monday, December 17, 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 3: Your First Love

A few months ago, I started a blogger challenge. Instead of doing 30 consecutive days, I’ve been doing the topics as I’ve had time. There’s just been so much other interesting stuff to blog about!
I debated for awhile about how to blog on this topic, my first love. My first love in life is my Savior, Jesus Christ. When I was younger, I used to have crushes on a lot of boys. I tended to be infatuated with boys a lot of the time. As I grew older, I was convicted that I should be more in love with my Savior than anyone else. Instead of obsessing over others, I needed to be obsessed with serving Him!
Over time, God truly answered my prayer: that I would focus on Him more than on young men. Looking at young men as someone else’s future husband really helped. I know many godly young men who would make excellent husbands, but God is helping me to see that more likely than not, they will not be MY godly husband.
Earlier this year I read a book called “It’s (Not That) Complicated” by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin. It is a book on guy-girl relationships that’s not full of fluff, but rather a true Biblical look at the way our relationships are supposed to be. It really helped solidify in my mind a proper perspective on my relationships with young men.
One day, more likely than not, I will be married. I want to be able to say that aside from Christ, my husband will be the only man I’ve ever loved in that way. As much as I look forward to that day, Christ will forever be my first and greatest love!


7 Eagles said...

I found that book on your bookshelf, BC!:-)
I started reading it, and have enjoyed it alot so far. Many times I've had the temptation of thinking of many boys as MY future husband, but for now I really should focus on Christ being my first and forever love, and wanting to serve HIM ONLY!

~ Roma

7 Eagles said...

I know you found it, Roma. :-) I'm glad that you've enjoyed it and that you're learning from it. What you said is very true; we should focus on serving the Lord during our single years!
