Monday, December 19, 2011

Dance Again!

As I mentioned last week, our Christmas Luncheon was cut short due to another dance performance. This time, we were performing as part of a Christmas program at a local church. Quite a few members of our dance troupe attend this church, and our teacher found out that their choir and orchestra was practicing the song “Gloria!” by Michael W. Smith. We had just started working on this song a few weeks prior, and we asked if we could join them in dancing. They accepted, and we had a month to finish this 5-minute song. It was a little scary, but the Lord helped us finish on time!

Before the performance, we took the opportunity for a group photo.

The song we danced to is one of my favorites. I could probably sing it in my sleep now. J The Level 1 dancers performed at the beginning of the song.

Then they left and the Level 2 dancers continued the dance.

Then we all came back on the stage during the climax of the song.

And here’s the big finale! It was a beautiful song, and I’m so glad that we were able to participate in this dance!


Amy said...

You certainly had a busy weekend.

One of the Wassenbergs said...

Do you know where the dance dresses are from?

Joyfully His,
Alexis Wassenberg

7 Eagles said...

Yes indeed, Amy! It was busy, but filled with lots of fun!


7 Eagles said...

Hi Alexis! It was nice to read a comment from you! The dresses are made by our teacher's mother-in-law. But I'm guessing that similar dresses could be found online or in other places.


One of the Wassenbergs said...

Tell your teacher's mother-in-law that I think the dresses are beautiful (I love how "flowy" they are)! I was asking because us 3 older girls have been looking for long white dresses similar to yours for a while! Some are just too expensive if we find them, and most of them are made by the Mormon's ("Latter Day Saints") whom we do not want to support by buying their products. Thank you for replying though! Maybe I'll start looking for more "long white dresses" soon! :)

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Joyfully His,

7 Eagles said...

I will pass along your comment, Alexis! They are fun to wear. I hope that you're able to find some dresses from a Christian company! You might also be able to find a sewing pattern online.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas as well!
