Friday, June 21, 2013

Blogger Challenge Day 22: Favorite City

I am actually not much of a city girl. Every time our family ventures into Dallas, Fort Worth, or Houston, TX, I am reminded of that fact. J The whole time we are fighting traffic, I can’t stop saying “I could NEVER deal with this every day. I love our tiny town of 3,800 people. I HATE traffic!”

But if I had to pick a favorite, despite the fact that I was neither born nor technically “raised” there, I would have to say Midland, Michigan. It’s actually the largest town I’ve ever lived in, but it retained a small town feel. Having moved around a fair amount during my childhood, I “picked” Midland as my “hometown.” So far, our time in Midland holds the record for how long we’ve lived in one place (7 years.) I think it feels most like home because I spent some of my most formative years living there (ages 3 ½ to almost 11.)

When I look at who I am today—what I’m passionate about, involved in, who my closest friends are, etc.—most all of them began in Midland. Even though we haven’t lived in Midland for 7 years now, there are still things about it that I miss. I often think about the tridge, the awesome farmer’s market, the downtown area, our church, the homeschool group and friends, park days, our little house in the woods, eating McDonalds while watching the planes take off at the little airport, and more. Midland will always hold a special place in my heart!

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