Friday, June 14, 2013

Youth Group Fun

Over the past few weeks, we’ve had the opportunity to do a couple of activities with the youth group from church. We forgot the camera one week, so you’ll just have to use some more imagination on that one. J
Two weeks ago, we were supposed to pass out flyers advertising the free sports camp our church is hosting this month. We met at a local 50’s diner-style restaurant first where some folks bought dinner. Then we split into two groups and walked through the surrounding neighborhoods. It was extremely humid that day, so we were all quite hot and sweaty by the time we were done.
In the same area of town is a big park. There is a nice big field there, so that’s where we met up afterward. Then we played Ultimate Frisbee! I had never played before, but I had so much fun once I learned. It also helped that the team I was on won. J
The only unpleasant part of that evening were the fire ants. I was standing around after the game, and all of a sudden I felt sharp pains all over my foot. It turns out that while I was chatting with our youth/Family pastor, I was standing in a fire ant hill. Thankfully I didn’t have an allergic reaction, even though it stung for awhile.
Our family went back over to the restaurant to get milkshakes, now that we had worked up a good sweat. Our pastor and another youth leader joined us, and we enjoyed having extra time with them.
This week, the plan was to build a slip n’ slide! On Tuesday morning, Ben and I went to church to help set things up. Some of the other boys that helped also tested it a few times. J Afterward, we went out to Chick-fil-A for lunch, as our reward. J
Wednesday night was when everyone got to use the slip n’ slide. It turned out to be a big success!

Rubia going down the slip n’ slide.

My expression here is pretty comical. J I was trying to keep the soap out of my eyes and mouth.

The view from the bottom.

The slip n’ slide was definitely fun, but I think an unspoken philosophy of our family is “Play hard, Pay hard.” We went down that slide countless times, and we really paid for it the next day. Most of us felt like punching bags. When you think about it, you can only throw yourself down a rocky hill (with only a thin carpet and piece of vinyl between you and the ground) so many times before you start to hurt!

Some of the boys decided to take a dip in the fish pond. Considering the water snakes and snapping turtles that have been sighted there, I chose to stay OUT of the water and withheld my true opinion of the whole idea. J The boys actually got out pretty quickly once they started getting bit by something (probably just a fish.)

We are so grateful for the times we have with our church family! We have lots of fun. J 

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