Monday, December 31, 2012

Updated: "About Our Family" Page

In honor of the New Year, we have updated our “About Our Family” page with all new pictures and updated bios. We hope you enjoy!


This is the patriarch and matriarch of our family. Mark and Betsy met each other in college in Ohio. They have now been happily married for 23 years! Mark enjoys cars, trains, flying planes, Boy Scouts, missions, reformed theology, Creation science, teaching at church, and being the Daddy of our family! Betsy enjoys writing, reading, cross-stitching, homemaking, gardening, extending hospitality, supporting Mark’s interests, and homeschooling their five children. Both Mark and Betsy are enjoying their new life in the countryside of Texas.

Bianca is the oldest of five siblings and is in High School. By request of her Daddy, and with his oversight, she designed, built, and also maintains this blog as a homeschool project. When she is not busy with school she enjoys reading, working in her organic vegetable garden, reading (and writing!) blogs, experimenting in the kitchen, learning about Biblical daughterhood and preparing to be a help-meet one day, babysitting, running (especially long distance), organizing and simplifying our home, writing her monthly newsletter, listening to music, playing the piano, and being the errand girl in the family! J She feels called to the foreign missions field and is working to build an orphanage in Haiti (see the “Orphanage Project” page for more details.) She has a very outgoing personality and loves to be around people.

Benjamin is next in the family line-up. He is in High School, and is the “Knight in Training!” He stays busy with school and working around the house. When he has free time he loves landscaping, working in the yard, running with Bianca, cooking (without a recipe!), reading anything and everything about history, playing the drums, learning about Biblical manhood, and playing football, basketball, and baseball. Ben has a big servant’s heart and loves to serve his family.

Rubia and Roma are twins, but Ruby is older by a few minutes! Ruby is in Junior High and is becoming a young lady. She loves anything related to animals (especially horses and dogs) and therefore loves walking our dog, admiring the neighbor’s horses, and playing with the pets. She loves writing, reading, cooking and helping in the kitchen, playing her guitar, babysitting, shooting with pistols, and much more! Ruby is great with little children!

Roma helps our family stay sane! J She too is becoming quite the young lady along with her twin sister. Roma enjoys playing piano, babysitting, photography (especially nature pictures), taking videos, graphic design, playing with and loving on her “baby” Zack (one of our cats), making the rest of us laugh, climbing trees, baking, and drawing. She is very outgoing and funny! Little children are very drawn to Roma!


Josiah is the youngest of our family. He is in elementary school and loves to learn! In his free time he enjoys playing, building things, drawing pictures, spending time outside, playing any sport that uses a ball, reading and writing, helping in the kitchen, reading devotions with Mom, taking videos and pictures with our digital camera, and fiddling around on the piano and drums. He hopes to shoot a rattlesnake with one of his guns someday. J Josiah is very outgoing and loves to talk and explain things!

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