Monday, September 16, 2013


This week, we found out the sad news that our neighbor’s dog, Tuff, was killed recently. Tuff was one of the first neighbor dogs to greet us when we moved into our home here in Texas. Although a dirty, mangy-looking mutt, he was super friendly and never barked.

Unfortunately, Tuff and his little gang (two dogs that belong to the same owners, and one that belongs to the people across the street) wandered 2.5 miles out to the freeway where he was hit. A neighbor saw him and notified his owners.

I am particularly saddened by Tuff’s untimely death because he was probably my favorite dog on the street. He wasn’t pushy like some other dogs, didn’t bark, was friendly, and in general minded his own affairs (unlike the dogs that insist on following me home and parking themselves outside the door.) I will miss seeing him traipse through the back pasture with his stubby tail and canine buddies in tow. I will miss him trotting out to the road to greet me during my morning run. I will miss Tuff!

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