Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Grandpa

*We normally post recipes on Saturdays, but due to the fact that we’ve been gone so much, haven’t had much time for creative cooking, and have so many tributes to post following my Grandparent’s deaths, we have decided to post tributes on Saturdays for the next couple of months. We plan to return to Saturday recipe-posting in April or May.*

~Posted by Ben (Tribute written to share at the funeral)

Dear Grandpa:

Time flies way too quick! Tomorrow turns to yesterday, and the years seem to fly by without us noticing! I am writing this letter because you recently passed away. I can’t say that I was precisely able to predict this day coming. It is a strange feeling; I knew the day was coming soon, but I did not think it was coming this soon.

When I first found out about your passing, an icy feeling overcame me. I was fully aware that you had died yet at the same time it took awhile for me to digest the fact that you were no longer with us. The fact that I would never speak to you on this earth again, the fact that I would never hear that soft, relaxing southern drawl of yours again in this life, the fact that I will no longer be seeing that beaming smile stretch across your pleasant face in this life. That smile that lit up an entire room. It pains me deeply, but at the same time, it brings me great joy to know that you no longer have breathing problems, or joint pains, or lack of strength. It brings me great joy to think of you jumping, running, laughing, and most importantly singing praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In a small way, I must admit to almost being jealous that you get to see Christ Jesus before we do.

I would like to spend a brief time reminiscing about you and me. I will always remember you as a man who wonderfully exhibited all of the fruits of the spirit. But the fruit of the spirit I will most remember about you is patience. I can think of several times that you could have lost your temper and didn’t. I admired your amazing mildness and ability to hold your words even when the temptation to be upset was great. I can see that attribute in my father. There are times that I have seen my father peacefully handle situations that most often would be handled in fists. This is not to say that you and my father were not decisive and to the point, but that you did not let your emotions get the best of you. I pray that when I grow up God will bless me with such good patience. For Proverbs 22:29 says, “An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins.”

In the remaining time I am permitted I would like to share, for the sake of a little comic relief, a fun and comical memory of you. I heard this story from someone in the family, so I am not positive if this event actually happened or if it was a comical, fictitious parable of you. Apparently, Grandma was in the garage and fell off the step and into the recycling bin. She was not able to get herself out. After letting out a sigh that she was not hurt, she started calling for help. “A….A….I have fallen in the recycling bin and can’t get up!” You allegedly walked out to the garage after hearing this and standing on the step said, “Just one minute, I have to go to the bathroom.” You then walked back in the house. Grandma calmly replied in her wonderful southern accent, “All right, A, take your time.” Luckily, as the story goes, you successfully remembered her after your time in the restroom, and returned to pull Grandma out of the bin.

I had a great Grandpa in you. I love you and miss you so much. As all human beings, you were not perfect, but you have left me proud to bear your name and remember you as my Grandpa. I know that at this point it is customary to say goodbye, but I will do no such thing, because goodbye is forever. I will see you again!

Until we are reunited, I bid a temporary farewell to you, my precious Grandpa.

Your proud grandson,


I Thessalonians 4:13-14:

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.”

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