Wednesday, January 19, 2011

4:00 o'clock Snack Time!

Following is a post by Roma…

We have a bird clock in the kitchen, and every hour, a different bird sings.  Every day, when the 4:00 p.m. bird sings, our two cats, Zack and Zinnia, and our dog Mikey, come running to have their snack.  They have memorized the song of the 4 o’clock bird (a house wren), and they know it’s snack time!

This was on Zack and Zinnia’s 1st birthday. They had ice cream as their snack!

I love watching the cats and the dog when they hear that sound, and seeing the excited look on their faces, as they come running into the kitchen for a special treat! I think Bianca’s cat (Zinnia) is the best at begging for food.  Zinnia will meow and meow until she finally gets her treat. The dog and our other cat Zack are excited, but they usually keep quiet.

Our pets are completely satisfied, once they’ve had their snack! :-)

Mikey is completely satisfied after his snack!


Amy said...

What a cute story. Thanks for posting Roma.

7 Eagles said...

Thank you, Amy! I enjoyed posting it. ~ Roma