Monday, January 3, 2011

A Look Back at Christmas, Part 2

Our Christmas Day (December 22)

We had our family Christmas a few days early, because we were traveling later in the week. The day always starts with Mom ringing bells in the hallway to wake all of us kids up from our short slumber (who can sleep on Christmas Eve? J) We quickly freshened up for pictures and came down to this . . .

Our Christmas Tree.

Our basement/"homemade" Christmas tree.

A perfect afternoon: a new book, Earl Grey tea, and a peppermint stick!

The Culmination of Advent

During breakfast on Christmas morning, we lit the Christ candle in our advent wreath. This represents the celebration that Christ has been born, the Lamb of God, who came to be the Savior of the world! I am so glad that He chose to be born into our world, despite us. What a wonderful Savior we have!

Our Christmas Dinner

Our Christmas dinner consisted of Cranberry Chicken over rice, green peas, buttered rolls, and sparkling white grape juice.

Our dessert spread! We had York Peppermint Brownies, No-Bake cookies, Cracker Brittle, Sugar Cookie cut-outs, decorated brownies, Knick-Knack Noels, Divinity cookies, Peanut Butter Ritz cookies (Ritz crackers with peanut butter inside coated in almond bark), Peanut Blossoms, and Pretzel Treats.


Amy said...


7 Eagles said...

It was indeed a very yummy meal, Amy! But I'm ready to be done with treats for awhile. I'm doing a fast from all refined sugar for a month. Perhaps at the end of my month I will have to post some good sugar-free recipes . . .
