Friday, April 15, 2011

Favorite Hobbies

Our family has a huge variety of “favorite hobbies!” Hobbies are the wonderful interests God has given us and we in turn should use our hobbies to bring glory to Him in some way. We try to do that as much as possible and hope to do even more!

Mark— I enjoy studying the Bible and topics such as Creation Science and Theology. I find Flying very relaxing and enjoyable. I enjoy running outside (carryover from cross country days). I enjoy woodworking; however, I rarely have time (nor the tools and workshop space). I also enjoy swimming (I prefer warm water, probably because I am getting old!)

Betsy—I love to read the Bible and good books, write creative non-fiction; cross stitch, explore old bookstores; organize things; take early morning prayer walks; listen to CD talks on issues of family, church, and state; and home educate our children. I also love homemaking and being at home, and I love having long, deep theological discussions with friends and family.

Bianca—I have so many favorite hobbies! I ADORE reading. I have stacks and stacks of books that I want to read, and I wish I had more time to read. I also enjoy photography. Blogging is obviously one of my hobbies. J Baking, cooking, gardening, canning, preserving, knitting, collecting “smashed” pennies, running, worship dancing, organizing, flying in Dad’s plane, and playing piano are other hobbies of mine.

Ben—I enjoy playing football, baseball, basketball, running, Boy Scouts, playing the drums, collecting business cards and sports trading cards, reading, cooking, landscaping, and cleaning (Yes! Aren’t we lucky! J)

Rubia—I like to play outside with Mikey, knit, read, write, and dance. And I hope to play the guitar soon.

Roma—I have lots of hobbies! I enjoy drawing, baking, playing outside, playing the piano, knitting, dancing, reading, and entertaining little kids. I hope to start running with Ben and Bianca this year.

Josiah—I like to play chess, draw pictures, play sports, build with Legos, swim, collect rocks, and play with my stuffed animals.


Amy said...

Ben, that cleaning hobby will make you popular!

Sarah said...

It certainly sounds like you all enjoy enough things to keep you pleasantly busy! And it looks like we have a number of the same interests, Bianca. :)

7 Eagles said...

I told Ben that as well, Amy! He is also a very thorough cleaner. He takes about an hour to clean the kitchen after a meal. :-)


7 Eagles said...

Yes, we stay pleasantly busy, Sarah! And from reading your blog for awhile, I knew that we already had some of the same interests. I enjoy reading your blog because you inspire me to keep learning more in my areas of interest such as gardening and photography!
