Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Candle In The Dark" Movie Review

As I’m sure you can tell from Monday’s post, and yesterday’s post, we have been enjoying lots of good movies lately! J We are always looking for family-friendly movies that are purposeful and have a Biblical message and application. We are developing quite an extensive library!

This past Friday, we enjoyed the movie “Candle in the Dark: The Story of William Carey.” William Carey is my Dad’s favorite missionary to study, and he received this movie for Christmas. We were curious as to what it would be like.

We were very pleased with the movie, especially since—to the best of our knowledge—it is the true story of William Carey with little else added. His story is incredible! He sailed to India in 1793 with the purpose of preaching the gospel. He overcame many hardships including the death of a son, moving about the country, finding work and providing for his family, learning the language, and breaking through the superstitions held for centuries by the people of India.

We all enjoyed watching the movie together, but there were a few parts that are a bit scary for young children. One of these is during a scene depicting sati (widows being burned alive with their dead husbands), and the other is after Mrs. Carey goes mentally insane. Aside from these two exceptions, the movie is family-friendly and is very inspiring. William Carey persevered through so much, and didn’t see fruit of his labors for many years. It was 7 years after he came to India that he first brought someone to Christ. Because of his perseverance, India is still benefitting from his work even today. I highly recommend watching this movie!


Amy said...

I also recommend it.

I am inspired by William Carey. The influence of a former cobbler inspires me.

7 Eagles said...

William Carey is very inspiring, Amy! It is amazing to see all of the "lowly" people God uses to further His kingdom!
