Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Flashbacks: Animal Games

As young kids, Ben and I loved playing with stuffed animals together. One of our favorite games was loading them up in the Barbie® cars and driving them around the house. We drove them “up the mountain” (the stairs) and to the hotel (underneath the dining room table.

Unfortunately, a damper was put on our stuffed animal games when an accident occurred and I ended up with a crushed growth plate in my left pinkie. But we still have fond memories of the many hours spent playing with the animals!

*What toys/games did you like to play growing up? Please share in the comments!*


Amy said...

According to my mom, Aaron and I used to play "garbagemen."

7 Eagles said...

That sounds like an interesting game, Amy! Ben and I used to have fun taking the garbage out together when were little.
