Monday, December 2, 2013

Family Visit

~Tuesday (November 16)~

Last week, my Grandparents flew in from Ohio to spend Thanksgiving with us! We were so excited to have them visit Texas again, and to spend this special holiday with them!

Mom, Josiah, and I drove to the airport to pick them up in the morning.
On our way back home, we stopped at Starbucks for a little treat. J We got home, and greeted the rest of the kids and my grandparents got their things settled in. Then I had to turn around and leave for a doctor’s appointment, and Mom had to take Ruby to the orthodontist. After we returned, Mom, Josiah, and my Abuela took Josiah to Tae-Kwon-Do.

Meanwhile, we girls finished dinner preparations at home. Dad arrived home and ate with my Abuelo and Ben, because they were all going to the men’s Bible study at church. Right as they were leaving, the others got back from Tae-Kwon-Do, and the rest of us sat down to eat!

We enjoyed delicious crock-pot lasagna, breadsticks, and salad. A good Italian meal!
~Wednesday (November 17)~

Wednesday was a pretty relaxed day, especially relative to Tuesday. J We stayed at home and enjoyed just visiting with Abuela and Abuelo. We also did quite a bit of cooking and baking in preparation for Thanksgiving! Later in the afternoon, a friend came over to take my birthday pictures.

He joined our family for dinner afterwards. We had BBQ pork chops, green beans, salad, and rolls.
It was so fun having a full table that night! We built a fire after dinner, and enjoyed some more relaxing. We were looking forward to enjoying Thanksgiving together the next day . . .

To be continued . . .

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