Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Texas Picture: December

This is so wrong for north Texas in December! As I’m sure most of you know, we had a shocking ice storm earlier this month that shut down our area for a solid week. I used to laugh at southerners and how just a little bit of snow or ice stopped them. I laugh no more. There are no snow plows, no salt trucks, *nothing* to treat it with! That’s why 2 inches of ice can shut a state down!

Thankfully, we didn’t lose power, and it really was beautiful! And fun to play in! J But we were admittedly very happy when it melted away. J


Anonymous said...

that's what it looks like , here in WI it's FREEZZZING HERE!!!!!!!!!!

7 Eagles said...

It has been cold, Anonymous. Although the weather can't seem to make up its mind; just a week later, the temperature climbed up to 70! Crazy!
