Tuesday, December 3, 2013


~Thursday (November 28)~

Thursday morning dawned a bright, beautiful, and thanks-filled day at our house! Some of us slept in while others got up early to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Still others got up early to cook!

Most of the day was spent preparing the food for our dinner. Dad and I had to slip out to the store in search of firewood, because I begged to have a fire that evening. J We were successful (ok, after a couple of tries! J)

Finally the long-awaited hour came: dinner time! We had a delicious feast, with a Colonial Williamsburg flair. There was grilled turkey, homemade gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, Sage Stuffing, Sweet Potato Casserole, garlic mashed potatoes, Scalloped Virginia Apples, Minted Peas, Old-Fashioned Corn Pudding, Cheese Biscuits, Sherry and Curry Cheese Spread with Pear Butter and crackers, pumpkin pie bars, Virginia Peanut Fudge Pie, and a Mock Pecan Pie.
The table all set and ready.
Ready to dig in!
In between dinner and dessert, we carried out our annual Thanksgiving Cross tradition. We each filled out paper leaves with something we were thankful for, read them aloud, and then taped them up on our paper cross. We also gave my Abuela the Thanksgiving letters we had written for her book this year.
Then we had our dessert!
After dinner, we cleaned up and then curled up in front of the warm fire. Our hearts were so full of thankfulness for all the ways God has blessed us this past year!

To be continued . . .


Unknown said...

What a beautiful thanksgiving dinner! The pumpkin bars look especially good.

Debbie said...

Thankful for my loving brother and his very special family!

Love you all :-)

7 Eagles said...

Thank you, Lydia! The pumpkin bars are definitely well-liked around here!


7 Eagles said...

We're thankful for you too, Aunt Debbie!
