Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Service Projects

The past several years, our family has felt convicted about giving more at Christmas than we receive. This year, we did three big service projects to help accomplish that goal:

*Please know that we don’t share this to brag or show off in any way. These are just some ideas our family had that we wanted to share with you, and hopefully encourage you to do similar things for others!*

1.) One week, we prepared freezer meals, a hot dinner, and brought Christmas gifts to a single Mom in our church. Her health has been poor lately, and she was just released from a stay in the hospital. We wanted to bless her and her son by helping them with meals until she gets back on her feet!

2.) We felt inspired to bless our Associate Pastor and his family. They have three children under the age of 8, and she is pregnant with their fourth child. Mom prepared several meals for their freezer, Roma prepared a fun movie night gift basket for them with lots of gifts and treats, and Ben and I delivered everything. While we were there, we babysat their kids for free while they went on a much-needed date. Just seeing their joy when they came home after having a night alone together made it all so worth it!

3.) Our friend C works at the local ER, and mentioned in the past how much the staff appreciates a hot meal during a busy work day. So we decided to prepare a hot lunch for them as a bit of a Christmas Thank You for everything they do for us! After my graduation party this summer and the cobbler party this fall, cooking for 20 people felt so easy! J

Delivering lunch to the ER.
Photo Credit: Our friend, C.
These are just a few ways our family has tried to serve this Christmas and keep our heart focused on the real reason why we celebrate: because Christ was the greatest gift for us all!

What are some ways you give/serve at Christmas time? We’d love to hear about it in the comments! We’d love more ideas!


Debbie said...

You all are AWESOME and an inspiration to all who know you.

We are a part of a ministry that provides free produce to a needy community. This is a year round ministry, but at Christmas time the produce stand overflows to meet the needs of the families who have gatherings at their homes for the holidays.

7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Aunt Debbie! That ministry you're a part of sounds neat! Serving and giving is so much better than receiving, isn't it?
