Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daddy and Me

Daddy and I at Rollhaven.

This past Saturday, my youth group from church went to a local Roller Skating rink. I enjoyed playing laser tag, having some fellowship with friends, and skating. I think I skated for at least 2 ½ hours, only stopping for a few moments to catch my breath. Let’s just say that once I get on the rink, it takes a lot of work to drag me off of it. I just love anything that involves speed, and since I can’t run that fast, skating gets me that “fix.” J

The thing that others might think unusual about my Saturday evening was that my Daddy accompanied me. Our family believes in courtship, and one of the ways we apply that is that none of the women (or young ladies) in our family go out unescorted by either my Dad or on occasion, my brother Ben.

Many girls my age might loathe this kind of “chaperoning,” but I have grown to appreciate my father’s willingness to protect me and my sisters. It gives us accountability for our actions (Numbers 30) and honestly, makes our lives much easier. I never have to worry about getting into potentially dangerous or awkward situations because he is always there. If I have a problem or an issue that comes up when I am in a conversation with my peers, I can bring him into the conversation and he can give a wise answer. Because of his stature, he is also good at discouraging mischievous young men from bothering me. J

Some young women—even Christians—may find this offensive. They may think that I am too dependent on my father and that I cannot make any decision on my own. But in every Biblical example I can find, godly women were accountable to one of two people: their fathers, or their husbands. By Biblical standards, there is never an “in-between” period where we are to make our own decisions and live “independent” lives from our fathers and families. God has blessed me tremendously with a father who is willing to protect me until the day he hands me over to my husband, Lord willing.

I also love my Dad’s company! J I love going places with him and doing fun things together. I would feel rather lonesome without someone from my family along on an outing. Out of all the people that went on the Roller skating outing, he is by far the closest to me, and I believe Biblically speaking, that is how it should be. But too often, young ladies my age are “BFF” with their peers, and lack a strong relationship with their fathers. They may never know what joy they are missing out on! I encourage the young ladies who read my blog to turn your hearts to your fathers and allow them to lead and protect you until the day of marriage.


Betsy said...

Yeah for Daddy Daughter Dates!

Anonymous said...

I love spending time with my kids and wonderful wife!! Well written BC. Love Daddy

7 Eagles said...

Yeah indeed, Betsy! I get to go on an extra long date with him this weekend. Stay tuned for a post about it next week!


7 Eagles said...

We love spending time together with you too, Daddy! :-) We miss you when you're gone, but it makes us enjoy our time together all the more.


Debbie said...

That handsome guy in the picture with you is a lot of fun to hang out with!! Please give him a hug for me :-)

7 Eagles said...

I agree with you, Aunt Debbie! I just got back from spending a whole weekend building our relationship. I look forward to blogging about our experience.

I will pass along your hug! :-)
