Friday, March 4, 2011

Snow and Ice and Everything Nice?

You all luck out and get a bonus post today! I just couldn’t wait to share this as it was rather unusual . . .

This is what I woke up to this morning. I went to take the dog out and nearly wiped out. We had freezing rains last night and it froze into one solid layer of ice this morning.
Our mailbox had a frozen layer over top of it.

I love icicles, big or little!

Our trash and recycling had a layer of ice over it as well.

Because the temperature was around 33 degrees, once I spread the salt, the ice started melting and made neat designs.

A close up shot of where the salt had rolled a bit, melting the ice in an intricate design.

 This morning I was reading Psalm 147 and verses 16 through 18 struck me, in light of our current weather: “He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He hurls down His hail like pebbles. Who can withstand His icy blast? He sends His word and melts them; He stirs up His breezes, and the waters flow.”

Now Aunt Debbie, I don’t even want to hear about the weather in Florida right now! J All of this snow and ice is supposed to melt this afternoon when the temperature “skyrockets" to 40. Now where did I put those shorts and T-shirts?


Amy said...

That yucky "hard" water weather didn't make it up to us, and I'm thankful.

Debbie said...

My azalea are blooming :-)

7 Eagles said...

We're thankful that all of our "hard" water melted quickly, Amy! Usually, you get worse weather than we do, so I guess you were blessed this time! Unfortunately, there was a prayer request at our church for a man who lost a 17-year-old daughter in a car accident yesterday. She lost control of the car, hit a tree, got out of the car, and was hit by another car. :-( So I am VERY thankful that we were not harmed and that spring will be here soon!


7 Eagles said...

(Whining) "Do you have to brag so much, Aunt Debbie?" :-) You'll have to email me some pictures of your azaleas so I can get a "spring time" fix. I'll feel better when ya'll are sweltering in the 90 degree temperatures in July and it is a pleasant 75 here!
