Thursday, March 31, 2011


(Posted by Rubia)

Throughout my whole life, from a very young age and still now, I am learning patience. I have always had to have patience with my siblings, for example. There are many things that God has used to teach me patience. But that did not seem to be enough for me.

Three things all of a sudden poured down on me all at once, which have really been teaching me patience. Here are the three things: waiting for the house renovations to be over (from the flood); trying to train our new dog, Mikey, to behave; and waiting for the snow to go away.

I have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, for the snow to melt. But I guess God is leaving it there until I learn a good lesson! :-) And you know…you can’t expect spring to come so quickly here in Michigan. :-) The snow is starting to melt again, but sometimes it comes back.

Mikey is getting along well. He is a pretty fast learner. Being young as he is, he still needs to work on some training. But he will eventually get the big idea.

And the flood problem is almost over! We will be leaving our house again. But I trust that this will be the last time. Even if it isn’t, I will still try to exercise self-control, and continue learning patience.

I have been learning a lot of life-lessons. And with that, I have made some new decisions of my own. I am learning that everything God does is for a reason. And we have to accept it, even if we never figure out the reason.

I also know that you never stop learning!

(photography by Roma)


Amy said...

Sometimes waiting is SO hard!

Betsy said...

Ugh...I've had a few workbooks in patience too. They are hard...even harder than Algebra...

Debbie said...

Roma, I try to be patient too, but sometimes it is hard! I have started carring a book when ever I think I will have to wait for something. The problem is that I usually do not want to put my book down when my wait is over :-)

7 Eagles said...

Yes, Amy, waiting is hard. But praying to God for patience has helped a lot!

~ Rubia

7 Eagles said...

Workbooks take a long time to complete, Betsy, and sometimes they're really hard. I guess I'll never be perfectly patient while I'm here on earth...but someday in heaven, I will be!

~ Rubia

7 Eagles said...

Actually, Aunt Debbie, it wasn't Roma that wrote the Patience post, but she did take the photos.:-) I like to take books wherever I go, too. It does help to have something to read while I'm waiting--especially a really good book!

~ Rubia