Saturday, June 9, 2012

Recipe--5 Minute Hot Fudge Cake

A couple of years ago, we found a recipe for making chocolate cake in the microwave. It was good, but different. Because of the egg in it, it had more of a “boing-y” texture. Recently, I stumbled on this recipe for microwave cake. My interest was piqued, and I mixed the ingredients in a mug to try it.

I was shocked at how delicious it was! How could I not have known about this before, that one could make such delicious, fudgy cake in the microwave? And in less than 5 minutes?

You can see Mama JJ’s original recipe here, because I’ve put my slightly modified version below. My favorite way to eat this cake is topped with a scoop of ice cream with a little drizzle of chocolate or caramel sauce over it. This recipe has become our special “rainy day treat” for days when the outdoors is drippy and dark from the rain. Now we can’t wait for a rainy day to come along! J

5 Minute Hot Fudge Cake

2 Tablespoons flour
2 Tablespoons packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Sprinkle of salt (Use a very light hand with the salt!)
1 tablespoon oil (I use coconut)
1 tablespoon milk (Or substitute coffee)

Mix dry ingredients in a small coffee mug. Add the wet ingredients, and stir to combine. Microwave the mug for 30-45 seconds. Top with a scoop of ice cream and dig in with a spoon while it’s nice and warm.

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