Friday, June 15, 2012

Pets: Scooter

Back when the twins were 7 or 8 years old, they started asking to get a hamster. Around that time, a family in our homeschool group was offering to give away their hamster, along with a cage, bedding, and food for free, since their girls weren’t as interested in keeping him. That looked like a good option for us! (Just for clarification, Novella was the only pet we had when we got Scooter. Novella died in early 2009, we adopted Zack and Zinnia that summer, and Scooter died that December.)

The twins were very excited to welcome Scooter into the family. He was a friendly hamster, and only nipped occasionally.

They loved taking him out of his cage and playing with him. He got pulled around in the tractor trailer from time to time. J
They also loved building him obstacle courses with tissue boxes and paper towel tubes.
He had an exercise ball that they would use as well. It kept him well protected from the cats when he was out and about!

The twins enjoyed having Scooter as their own pet for several years. Then one day, on our way home from Christmas vacation, we received a phone call from our neighbor who was watching Scooter. He had died that morning. The twins were very sad to lose him. They made a little wooden cross to put at the spot where we buried him in our backyard.

Even though they were sad, they were quite happy to have two new kittens, Zack and Zinnia. More on them next week!

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