Monday, July 30, 2012

Bianca's Birthday

Earlier this month I celebrated my birthday! In the morning we went to a park day with some homeschooling friends despite the 100+ degree temperatures outside. It’s kind of ironic, because the day I came home from the hospital after I was born, the temperatures were also in the 100’s, which was unusually warm for southern Indiana.

I was pleasantly surprised when Daddy came home early on my birthday afternoon. The temperatures had gotten so warm that his office building had gone on level 2 energy curtailment due to an order from the power company. They turned off all the lights and air-conditioning and told everyone to go home!

Despite the heat, Mom lovingly made my favorite birthday dinner: tomato soup with double-decker grilled cheese sandwiches. We had a delightful time eating together as a family.
Photo Credit: Roma.
After that hot meal, we enjoyed a nice cool birthday cake. Mom made a white chocolate cake filled with strawberry preserves and frosted with whipped cream. It was rich and refreshing!
Photo Credit: Roma.
After dinner I opened gifts. I received lots of great books (which I will hopefully be able to review once I’ve read them), including two missionary biographies on Ann Hasseltine Judson and Jim Elliot, some perfume, a music CD, a CD geared towards firstborn children, and some money to put in savings.
Photo Credit: Betsy.

I’m so thankful for all of the wonderful years God has blessed me with! I look forward to spending many more years in service to Him and enjoying my family!


One of the Wassenbergs said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Bianca! You will absolutely LOVE "The Story" CD! It is awesome! We have the music video too and the first time we watched it some of us started tearing up! It was/is very moving! :) Kimber did a post about it here:
which I'm pretty sure you already read. :) Happy birthday..once again! May you be blessed and continue to follow our Lord Jesus Christ in faith!

Love In Christ,

7 Eagles said...

You were right Alexis, I love the CD! Your sister was the person I learned about the CD from. I'd love to see the video as well sometime.

Thank you for your birthday wishes and the exhortation. The same to you in regards to following after the Lord Jesus Christ!


One of the Wassenbergs said...

Maybe you could find the videos online? I saw a few. You would have to look each one up individually though. :) That might take awhile! Or you could just buy it! :)

Your welcome, and have a blessed week!

Joyfully His,

7 Eagles said...

I may have to look for the videos online, Alexis. I think I've seen one or two of them online and at church. Or as you said, I could just purchase it! :-)

Thanks for the suggestion!
