Thursday, July 19, 2012

Garden Update

It’s high time for a garden update! Despite temperatures in the 90’s with heat indexes into the 100’s, my garden is doing quite well so far. The dry weather has seemed to actually help with keeping disease and some of the bugs at bay.

I took this photo on June 30th, the day we left on vacation.
When I came back home a week later, everything had doubled in size! I was shocked!

In the bed on the right I am growing cucumbers (on the trellis), lettuce, 3 types of tomatoes, and chocolate mint (in the pot.) At the very bottom of the photo you can see my pot of Thyme. What you can’t see to the right of the photo is my spearmint, sweet mint, rosemary, and dianthus. In the path to the right I have a catnip plant, and in the center of the garden I have an heirloom tomato plant (in the pot.) The round bowl in the left path is the one we made at Keeper’s Coop. Behind that pot I am growing marigolds.

This bed contains spinach, collard greens, cabbage, Bell peppers, Jalapeno peppers, zucchini, catnip, and nasturtiums.
This bed has summer squash, nasturtiums, and behind all that, cantaloupe, lemon balm (in the large pot) and cilantro (the small pot.)
And finally, I have zinnias which are starting to bloom now, as well as chives, oregano, and parsley in the pot.

So far I have harvested lettuce, spinach, collard greens, 2 tiny grape tomatoes, and plenty of herbs. I can hardly wait until the produce really starts to roll in! *What are you harvesting from your garden right now? I’d love to know!*


Technoprairie said...

We're harvesting: swiss chard, onions, peppers, cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini, green beans, peas (almost done with these), corn, and tomatoes! As soon as we get more tomatoes, we'll be making pasta primavera (my favorite!).

7 Eagles said...

Wow, Technoprairie! You have lots of produce rolling in right now. Maybe next time we come your way we can stop and have a look at your prolific garden. I need to harvest things from my garden; after being gone for a week there is a lot to be done out there!
