Monday, August 6, 2012

Haiti Day 3: Wednesday

Here is the continued story on our missions trip to Haiti. . .

(July 25, 2012)

This morning I woke up around 5:30 a.m. to donkeys braying, roosters crowing, and dogs barking. But I wouldn’t have it any other way! J We all gathered on the porch to journal and do personal devotions. Then we gathered for team devotions. We had a really good debrief and time of discussion.

Doing team devotions together.

We had a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, oatmeal, bananas, and amazingly sweet pineapple. Then we went outside to play with the kids. We played all kinds of games in a circle with them. They love saying my name ALL THE TIME!

The kids knew how to play “London Bridge is Falling Down!”

While we did VBS, some of the guys worked on hauling fill gravel for the church sanctuary. They hope to have this church finished by next year!

We organized all the kids into one of the classrooms to have their VBS lesson on “Joshua.” Rubia helped play the guitar so that we could sing songs with the kids.

Then we took them outside to play some more games. Mom taught the kids how to play Simon Says and Red Light/Green Light. Our translator even taught her how to say it in Creole. J

While they played, we set up toys and balloons in the classroom. Once we opened the doors, chaos pretty much erupted. It was crazy until we ran out of balloons.

Shortly afterward, we received word that the well was finished! It was a huge answer to prayer for everyone.

Opening the well was a really special moment for our entire team, especially for our World Hope leader, Mr. A. Digging this well was a very personal project for him and seeing it completed was amazing!

The little children love to be held and to hold our hands. Sassy little F is my special buddy. Little D follows us too. They’re such special children!

We went inside and relaxed a bit before lunch time. Some relaxed more than others. J

We had delicious squash soup with empanadas. It was amazing as always!

After lunch we had a short rest before going to the soccer field. Mr. B and Mr. A played while the rest of us watched and played with the other kids.

This game involved one person running outside of the circle and trying to get back inside the circle before they were caught. It proved to be quite comical at times! J

When we got back from the soccer field, we helped feed the children.

There were probably about 75-100 children there. Each of them got a plate of rice and beans. Despite the fact that they are starving—for many of them, this is their only meal of the day—they didn’t touch their food until after Mr. L said grace. That amazed us!

After that, we left on our hike. We had about 20 kids follow us the entire time. Mrs. F led us house-to-house so that we could pray for people. We saw so many people and so many different situations. Many people accepted Christ as their Savior! We also prayed for healing for many people.

The moment that broke me the most was meeting a two-month-old baby with Hydrocephalus. There was not a dry eye among us as we prayed for that baby.

*Important note: Members of our team are working to help baby F get the medical help she needs. If you know of any connections to doctors or ministries that may help us or just want to help out with getting her treatment, PLEASE email us at the address on our “Contact Us” tab.*

Even after we left that house, I couldn’t hold back the tears. It breaks my heart to realize how selfish I am while children across the world die of preventable causes. I take a 20 minute shower while they die of thirst. I throw away food I don’t like while they die of malnutrition. God is really convicting my heart on this!

We also stopped by a house with a man who was demon possessed living there. He had been a man of God, and a wonderful preacher. But about a month ago, he went completely insane with all kinds of unnatural desires. I pray that he would be rid of these evil spirits. Before this trip, I wasn’t sure if I totally believed that demons really possessed people. Now I KNOW that it is real.

When we got back to the house we quickly ate a dinner of chicken, pasta, vegetables, and fried potatoes before getting ready for church.

Church didn’t start until 8:00 p.m.! We all prayed over Mr. B before service started. Several of us gave testimonies during the service. I shared a bit about our walk and read Psalm 125:2. Mr. B did a wonderful job preaching! The whole service was wonderful as always.

When church was over we had fun playing spoons and kemps. Just as we finished at 11:30 p.m. the lights went out. Showering in the dark was different but ok. I made it to bed around 12:00 a.m. Until tomorrow!

To be continued. . .

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