Thursday, August 23, 2012

Horse-Back Riding with Friends

Earlier this week, we were invited to go horse-back riding with some friends! Their family bought a horse named Velvet about six months ago, and they have been working on re-training her since then (she’s in her 20’s and hadn’t been ridden in a long time, so she was “out of practice” with some of her skills.)
We met at their house and drove to the barn together. They gave us a tour of the barn and showed us where they keep the tack, and Velvet’s stall. We paid close attention to all the details, as owning a horse is on our family bucket-list. After that, we went out to catch the horses.

Velvet is a beautiful horse! We also met the 3 other horses that are kept at the barn where they board Velvet.
We took Velvet and another horse named Diamond back to brush and curry them. Josiah enjoyed brushing them with his left hand. J
After the horses were saddled up, we headed out to the pasture where we took turns riding. It was fun to be back up on a horse again!
“You can’t keep a good man down!” Despite his recently broken arm, Josiah had the opportunity to ride Diamond (don’t worry, she was on a lead rope!)
We unsaddled the horses and fed them some treats, which they enjoyed a lot!

Afterward, we drove back to our friend’s house, where we had a delicious lunch and enjoyed an afternoon of visiting, sharing music, and watching the Haiti highlight video. We had a wonderful time with friends! Thanks for having us over!


One of the Wassenbergs said...

Looks like fun! And oh! Guess what?!!? Baby #10 is on the way!!! :D :D :D Mama is 8 weeks pregnant so she's due around March/April! We are so excited! :) If you want, please pray that the baby will stay healthy and that Mama's nausea won't be to bad (we're going to the beach in 2 days for a week! :) We'd appreciate it! :)

Have a blessed week!

Joyfully His,

7 Eagles said...

It was indeed fun, Alexis! And a big congratulations to your family on Baby #10! How exciting! I will be praying for the baby and your Mom's health, especially while you're at the beach (have lots of fun there!)

I look forward to seeing many pictures on your blog once Baby arrives!
