Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Photos

If you’ve been reading our blog for very long, I’m sure you have figured out that fall is one of our favorite times of year. We love everything about it!

All of us kids at some point have made sun catchers like these with leaves, crayon shavings, and wax paper.
Posing for picture among the leaves, pumpkins, and Mums in our yard.
Leaf piles were always a bit hit with us kids. J How could anyone not love jumping into a huge pile of crackly, crunchy leaves?
Visiting orchards is also a favorite fall activity.

*What is your favorite way to celebrate fall? Please share in the comments!*


Alexis Wassenberg said...

Fall is such a gorgeous season! I love the beautiful days with a big blue sky, a few big fluffy clouds here and there, and leaves fluttering down in the cool breeze! Quite picturesque (not that I'm getting married ANY time soon, but it does make for gorgeous wedding pictures ;)! :) We go hiking in the mountains (pretty much) every year- normally with a majestic waterfall as the ending point! When we get to the waterfall we usually unpack our pic-nick lunch and eat! :) It's lots of fun and I can't wait 'till we go this year!

Have a blessed week!

Joyfully His,

7 Eagles said...

You're right, Alexis. Fall is very beautiful, and does make for good wedding pictures (don't worry, I didn't think you would be getting married any time soon. :-)

I think I've read about your hiking trips on the blog before. It looks like a really beautiful spot! I hope you get a chance to go soon while there's still some fall color left.
