Friday, October 19, 2012


Over the years, our views on fashion have changed. When we kids were younger, we thought that blankets over our heads, pink sunglasses, fake mustaches, and feather boas were all the rage. But as we’ve grown older, we’ve thankfully grown out of these trends. Yet it’s always fun to go back down memory lane and remember what was in vogue several years ago . . .


The shepherd look was quite popular at our house for a number of years.

Over time our ability to style hair has improved (luckily.)

Big-nosed-mustache glasses were a common disguise back in the day. I hardly know who these two are! J

This was the day when retro, 20’s-flapper style made a brief fashion appearance.

If there’s no blog post tomorrow, it’s because my Dad killed me for posting this picture. J Let’s just say that he has gone far beyond the wig fashion days (what a relief!)

Roma is a fine inventor of fake nails. Marker caps are great because they’re instantly removable and come in many designer colors. Unfortunately the nail fashion industry never caught onto the idea.

As a nine-year-old, I thought brushed out curls were the height of fashion. There have definitely been better hair-moments in my fashion career.

Yes, Roma. I think a skirt-turned-blouse, an Elmo party hat, Hello-Kitty glasses, and a headband over your forehead is very creative and original. Well done!

Now this leopard print and pink glasses is more in line with the fashion industry, but you did an excellent job giving it your own personal flair.

Josiah was a very common representative of the blanket fashion movement. Again, he added his own personal touch with the purple flower glasses.

High heels and overalls are a new combination this season, but very well pulled off!

Love the fake mustache. It adds the finishing touch to your outfit, Roma.

For awhile, I tried the Texas cowboy hat/Cousin It look. I think next time I’ll skip the hair-in-front-of-the-face and just stick with the hat.

*As a child, were you known for your fashion adventures (or misadventures?) Were you like some of the children in our family who changed clothes about 10 times per day? We’d love to hear your story in the comments!*


Amy said...

As a child? No need to grow out of fashion adventures.

989cookie said...

Love it. Love it. Love it!

Yes, I was a child of fashion as well... and I always had my own ideas of beautiful (still do, I guess!).

Let's see, most of my fashion statements were with "real" people clothes, not just dress up. Take, for example, my favorite pink outfit when I was 5: a belly button shirt and a little flouncy skirt!

7 Eagles said...

That's true, Amy! Fashion adventures can be fun even when we're older. But there are some things I simply don't think would look right on anyone but a child. :-)


7 Eagles said...

The outfit you described sounds like something Roma would have worn, 989cookie! I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
