Monday, October 29, 2012

Trick or Treat Trail

For the past several months, our church has been preparing for an outreach event in our community. In recent years, the Parks and Rec has hosted a free trick or treat trail/event with local businesses and churches as the sponsors. This year our church got involved, and our family was able to help out this past weekend.

Does this guy look ready for Texas or what? J
A friend of ours from church dressed up as a chubby old lady. J She was probably one of the warmest people there with all of those layers.
Part of the group from our church that came to help at the event.

This is a bit of a side note, but we are so thankful for our dear church family! We’ve been at the church for several years now, but the Lord has really made everyone truly feel like our family over the past few months. We have become especially close to them over the past few weeks as they have encouraged and prayed for our move. I’m really going to miss everyone!
I think there were 2-3,000 people that came to the event. Everyone lined up and walked down the trail where we handed out candy, tracts, and cards with information about our church. There was also free pizza, cider, donuts, cookies and popcorn, as well as bounce houses, a petting zoo, and a hay ride to a pumpkin patch.
We were constantly busy filling more bags and handing out candy to the steady stream of people. It was so fun to see the kids’ faces light up when we gave them a whole bag of candy (most booths were only handing out one or two pieces.)
Josiah and his friend N waiting for their turn on the hayride.
The weather turned out perfect for the event. It was cool and crisp like fall is supposed to be, but there was no rain and the wind was minimal.
It is possible to take artsy pictures on a moving hay wagon. Just so you know. J
The hayride took the kids out to a pumpkin patch where they got to pick and keep their own pumpkin.
Josiah with another friend from church, S. I was really impressed with all the kids from church that came. Despite the cold temperatures, they had very good attitudes and I think they really enjoyed themselves.
Josiah by the lake where the event was hosted.

This event was lots of fun and I’m glad we had the opportunity to help out!

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