Monday, October 1, 2012

"Hazardous Journeys" Mountain Rendezvous, conclusion

~Posted by Big Mouth (apologies for the length of this post) J.
Day 5
This morning my dad and I enjoyed sleeping in because of our early wake up the day before. We were sad to be leaving camp but happy and excited for the neat things we would be doing that day.
We enjoyed a good breakfast, making sure to leave thank you notes for the ladies serving us since they did so with such a servant’s attitude and for no pay at all.
We attended a final Church Service. It is always such a joy to worship with fellow brothers (and a few sisters) in Christ!
After church we ate lunch with an interesting gentleman who had ridden his Harley to this conference in Colorado all the way from Washington! That’s quite a haul!
We were sad to see the conference come to a close. We had so much fun while being so inspired by being with fellow men of God who have many of the same beliefs and values that our family sees as top priorities.


A sorrowful goodbye

After the leaving the camp my dad and I drove down to Colorado Springs for a tour of the USAFA!


The academy from a distance. Aren’t the surroundings beautiful?!

The class of 2016 had just arrived there a few weeks prior and in celebration of Labor Day, the Academy allows the parents of freshmen to visit. So it was a little busy, but not too many people.


We started out by looking at some of the outdoor athletic facilities. This is their running track.

The USAFA’s HUGE gift shop. You could have a whole house decked out in USAF decor!

The towering Air Force chapel.

The inside of the Christian-Protestant section of the chapel.

The amazing Pipe Organ inside the chapel.

The main stage in the chapel.

The inside of the Catholic worship center of the chapel.

Sorry for the blur….but this is the inside of the Jewish chapel.

The Buddhist worship center. Please remove your shoes!!!

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands.

-Acts 17:24 (NIV)

I would have been intrigued to see the Muslim worship center. But apparently the Air Force makes them worship in the chapel basement and it’s not open for visitors.


The motto of the US Air Force. “We will not lie, steal, or cheat nor tolerate among us anyone who does”

A chunk of metal from the WTC in between two concrete posts.

One of their toys. J

The indoor track. On the wall that is out of sight are the words of the USAF athletic motto; “Beat Army, Sink Navy.”

‘Reckon’ I wouldn’t want to run into him in the dark!'

The inside of the USAFA football field. This field was quite fortunate; a large fire that happened a while back came within ½ mile of this place!

Ready to hit the road! J

The Front of the “Diamond Lil” a B-52 bomber credited with a MIG kill during Vietnam.

Don’t mess with the Air Force!

Colorado has over 54 mountain peaks that exceed 14,000 feet! We had the opportunity to visit the highest one: Pikes Peak. We rode the cog railway up.


So this is how those trains go up those steep inclines!

Would you believe somebody lives half-way up there?! That’s a long haul to the grocery store!

This part was called “Inspiration Point.” It is called this because years ago, a lady by the name of Katherine Lee Bates was riding a buggy up to the peak and stopped here because of the beauty. It was here where she was inspired to write “America the Beautiful.”

Final Destination; The summit of Pikes Peak. 14,110 Ft.

Father and son at the “top of the world.”

Seeking shelter from the wind.

I’ve really enjoyed this week with my favorite dad! I’m very thankful for the wonderful time we shared and all the memories that were made!


Leah said...

I enjoyed reading the posts that you & your dad went on Ben. I find it very interested when you showed us the pictures of different culture chapels under one tower. You don't see that in very many places that shares more than one or two different religions in one building. Maybe about year & half ago, my parents' church lets the Chinese church uses their building. So last Christmas, it was interested to watch the service that combines English & Chinese people. Translated back & forth. It will be interested someday when we finally are all in heaven, worship the same God and speak a language that everyone will understand.

7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Leah! I'm glad you have been enjoying the posts. I think it is really neat that your parents get the opportunity to worship with brethren of another race. It is neat to observe how many different people worship the same God in so many different ways.
