Monday, October 22, 2012

Goodnight Garden

This weekend despite the cold overcast weather, I put on my boots and put the garden to sleep. I feel bad about how much I neglected it this year. Once we got back from Haiti, my mind was focused on other things. But next year is another year, and gardening isn’t the most important thing in life.
There was quite a bit of clean-up to do. I started off by cutting all the dead heads off my zinnias and marigolds (I’m keeping those to take with me to Texas.) Then I pulled up everything still standing and threw it away. I hauled around all my pots of herbs to dump them, wash them, and put them up in our shed. I had rather sore bicep muscles Sunday. J Some of those pots are HEAVY! (Mental note to self: next time you invest in pots, make sure they’re lightweight plastic, not 10-pound-terra-cotta-monsters.)
Once I had all of that taken care of, I raked over the garden to satisfy my aesthetic side. All of that took maybe 2 or 3 hours. It felt good to say goodbye for the year. But I also remembered that this is the last time I’ll work in my little Michigan garden. Hopefully I’ll have a bigger garden next year in Texas since I will have a lot more land to work with--and a longer growing season!

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