Monday, November 14, 2011

An Explanation

Awhile back, we did a post called “Trials,” in which we quoted Psalm 23:5…Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me.

As many of you know, we were indeed living through a frightening trial at the time…but we are so very grateful that it is over, and all is well. In a nutshell, my beloved husband had been traveling in Asia on business, and had a harrowing experience his second night there. He had enjoyed dinner that evening with ex-pat friends of ours, and had a wonderful time of fellowship and catching up. Later that night, he visited the shopping district, and when preparing to return to the hotel, he hailed a taxi, as it was getting late.

Unfortunately, the taxi turned out to be a fraud, and to make a long story short, he was driven to a remote area of town, where several other conspirators joined the taxi driver, and he was robbed. Thankfully, they did not hurt him . They took what they wanted, in cash and credit, and then left him to find his own way back. By God’s grace, he was able to do so.

We know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord was watching over him that night. The situation could have been much worse, but my husband was covered in prayer all along, and we have always known that prayer makes a difference. And afterward, he continued to be upheld in prayer, by many of you dear friends and family! Those prayers enabled him to carry on with his work…to climb back up on the proverbial taxi-horse as needed…and to trust in God’s goodness all the more.

As you can imagine, it was a thrilling reunion upon his return! Praise be to God for His watch-care over us, and His goodness to us!

…O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever.” (Psalm 30:12b)

The eagle has landed!

My Beloved with his five arrows.

~ Posted by Betsy


Sarah said...

Oh my! What a frightening experience. So thankful that he wasn't harmed and that he made it home safely!

7 Eagles said...

We are so thankful as well, Sarah! Yes, it was a very frightening experience, but all's well that ends well!

~ Betsy