Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lasagna Garden

As I promised a few weeks ago, here is the post about our lasagna garden! For the past few years we have done this form of composting in the fall. In the spring the soil is nice and rich, which is definitely needed with our Michigan clay!

After removing all the trellises and dead plants, I put down three layers of newspaper. As I explained to the neighbor kids helping, this is the “noodle” layer of the lasagna.
We wet down the paper to make sure that it starts breaking down.
You can see my helpers in this picture. They mostly kept me entertained. J They were also my gophers, collecting various supplies from the garage and fetching buckets of water.
Next it was time for the “beef:” leaves from our yard!
The next layer was supposed to be green. We typically use cut grass, but our lawn didn’t need cutting. So we improvised and used the daylilies that we cut down. It looked a lot like cheese!
And finally we have been saving and adding kitchen compost to the top layer of the garden. It’s all ready for the winter now! I’m hoping that lots of earthworms will go to town breaking up the layers and contributing to good soil for a better garden next year!


Sarah said...

I enjoyed this post, Bianca! It looks like you had fun what with all of your helpers. :) And just think of all that good soil you'll have by next year!

7 Eagles said...

It was quite fun, Sarah! The younger ones kept me entertained that's for sure! :-) I am looking forward to turning over all that rich soil in the spring!
