Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Favorites

Thanksgiving is probably one of our favorite holidays next to Christmas. We have many favorite foods and traditions, which we share below:

Mark— It’s simple, one word, Family. I am thankful for my immediate family and my extended family. Being that turkey is one of my favorite foods, I am in food heaven on Thanksgiving day. I love the smell of the turkey cooking. I love to finish off the dinner with one of my favorite pies, pecan (warm with whipped cream). As a kid I also enjoyed watching the Macy’s parade. Now I enjoy watching with my kids. I also enjoy watching some football, time permitting after a nap.

Betsy—We almost always spend Thanksgiving with extended family, and that’s such a blessing. I enjoy either cooking a large feast, or enjoying one that has been cooked for me. J Years ago, we started several traditions that continue to this day…one is making a “Thankful Tree” decorated with colored paper leaves, on which everyone writes things for which they’re thankful. Another is writing “thankful” letters from each member of our family, to fill a special book for my parents. They add to it each year, so it’s a constant work-in-progress. In past years, we’ve also read plenty of books about Squanto and the Pilgrims and other Thanksgiving-related topics.

Bianca—I enjoy being with family over Thanksgiving. I love that each Thanksgiving is a little bit different. To be honest, I love all the different foods associated with Thanksgiving dinner! But if I had to pick a few, I’d say pecan pie, savory stuffing (dressing), mashed potatoes, and sweet potato casserole would be at the top. But I also love the corn, green beans, cranberry relish, pumpkin pie. . . Never mind. You get the idea! J

One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions (other than watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade J) is writing my Thanksgiving letter. It’s helpful for me to look back over the year and think of all the ways God has worked in my life, and all that He has blessed me with. Many of the things I’m thankful for go onto our Thanksgiving tree as well. That is truly the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving; to thank our Lord and Savior for all He has blessed us with, though we’re undeserving of it all!

Ben—I enjoy being with my family at Thanksgiving. I love any and every food associated with Thanksgiving dinner! J I also enjoy watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and sometimes I might watch the football game. I enjoy making our “Thankful tree” and writing Thanksgiving letters to my Abuela.

Rubia—I like getting together with family and celebrating! I like turkey. J I also like making our Thanksgiving tree and writing down what I’m thankful for.

Roma—I love going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house to celebrate! I also like listening to Christmas music on the way home from our trip. I love pecan pie! I like our tradition of making a Thanksgiving Tree.

Josiah—I like being with family. My favorite kind of Thanksgiving food is everything in the Bob Evans Feast we get at Grandma’s. I love the turkey and the pecan pie. I like writing a Thanksgiving letter for my Grandparents’ book we made them.


Debbie said...

Family, pecan pie and the Macy's parade. It doesn't get much better than that! We love Thanksgiving because it is the one holiday that has remained so simple throughout the years. The focus is on being thankful for our many blessings, family and of :-)

7 Eagles said...

You just about summed it up, Aunt Debbie! :-) I am thankful that Thanksgiving hasn't gotten as commercial as other holidays. As long as we don't get too wrapped up in the shopping on Black Friday, Thanksgiving is truly about being thankful.
