Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Missions Conference Part 2

This past Sunday concluded our church’s annual missions conference. It turned out to be a very busy day for our family! During Sunday morning service, we heard from the missionaries, and Ben and I enjoyed hearing Mr. W teach the lesson in our Sunday school class. After church, Mom and all the kids except me went home to prepare things for our lunch with the missionary family. Daddy left to get the pizza, and I stayed to act as a GPS for the missionaries. J I enjoyed getting to talk with them more during the ride home, as we drive a ways to church.

We all enjoyed lunch together once we got to our house. We had pizza, carrots and celery sticks, hummus and chips, fruit salad, and soda pop.
This picture is a bit blurry, but I was trying to take the picture before they noticed I was there and started making silly faces. Too late! J We enjoyed laughing a lot over lunch and rehashing Friday-night’s re-narrated movie.
The cookies proved much easier to photograph. We enjoyed these oatmeal raisin cookies as well as caramel brownie bites for dessert.
*Note: This photo was staged!* After lunch we kids went outside to play in the warm weather. The boys were tossing the football around while the girls explored the woods.
Then it was time to leave for the evening service at church. We started the service by praying over the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes that we will be sending out this week. Here everyone is gathered around for prayer.
Then came the surprise! Our Pastor invited the missionaries onto the stage to say a final goodbye, but then the kids started walking in with gifts for the missionary kids! The youngest daughter A received many doll items, the younger boy J received lots of Lego and Star War toys, the oldest daughter K received gift cards and books, and the oldest boy C received gift cards and books as well as other gifts.
They were all so surprised and really appreciated the gifts.
All of us kids with the W kids. We’re sorry that our visit was so short, but we’re so excited to hear how the Lord will use them in Ethiopia! Maybe one day we’ll visit them in the field!


Amy said...

Looks like fun.

7 Eagles said...

It was very fun, Amy! We always enjoy making new friends!
