Friday, November 11, 2011

Favorite Ways to Spend Free Time

Once all our work is done, we have free time to spend! We have a lot of ways we like to spend our free time, and we try to make that time as meaningful as possible. Below are some of our favorite ways:

Mark—Free time is rare indeed!  I enjoy flying in my spare time with the kids to get the proverbial “$100 hamburger.”  I also enjoy relaxing outdoors playing with the kids or going on a family hike.  If the weather is lousy, then relaxing indoors and reading a good book or playing games with the family is a great choice.  When all else fails, there is the opportunity for a good nap.

Betsy—Free time is rare in this season of my life, so oftentimes I use “down” time to catch up on more relaxing work. Paying bills, balancing the checkbook, mending clothes, or clipping coupons is pretty typical. I also find it relaxing to write letters, catch up on emails, read good blogs, and read good books. In the best of times, I actually get to cross-stitch…that’s an all-time favorite free-time activity! Last but not least, a good nap is enjoyable, just about any time of day. J

Bianca—In the rare event that I have free time, J my number one choice would be to read (do you notice this as a common theme in our family?) I always have a stack of books and magazines to read! Other times I will work on a special project, or make a mess in the kitchen (they’re usually edible messes!) I also enjoy playing music on the piano and guitar. During the spring and summer, I also enjoy working in my garden.

Ben—I love reading! I also like playing Madden® Football on the computer. I like playing and working outside, watching a movie, practicing drums, and also playing board games with my siblings.

Rubia—Overall, I mostly like reading. I also like playing outside, writing letters, and playing with my pets.

Roma—When I have free time I like to read books, play Mavis Beacon typing games on the computer, go outside, and play board games.

Josiah—I like to play with Legos®. I also like to play with other toys and go outside. I also enjoy reading books.

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