Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Beginning

(posted by Mark)

“For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him.”  (Colossians 1:16)

As I sit down to write my first post on our family’s blog, I gaze out the window and observe the full moon. What a stunning site! Many have falsely worshiped the moon over the years. The ancient Greeks built monuments to their moon goddess Artemis. How sad that they did this, when they could have worshiped the one true God that created the moon, our Lord Jesus Christ!

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Genesis.  It is there that we see the awesome power of our Lord as He spoke the great words of Creation.

Have you ever spent time in the study of creation? As a scientist with a doctorate degree, I love to study God’s creation. It amazes me how far astray the evolutionist will try to lead Christians. It is a dangerous path to take such a liberal stance on the book of Genesis, and state that evolution and Christianity are compatible, as this grossly underestimates God’s great power.

Consider the “primordial soup” at the evolutionists’ beginning. How could such a random mixture create life? Perfect conditions had to exist to even create a simple amino acid. Scientists now feel that the atmospheric conditions at the “beginning” would not have supported the creation of an amino acid. Molecules have chirality, or a left and a right. The amino acids which form the human body are all remarkably left handed. Evolutionists attempt to rationalize this as some random radiation event, which caused selective destruction of the right handed amino acids. Creationists would simply say this is part of God’s design.

While we have been fortunate to witness the invention of many great drugs such as penicillin, there is still illness among humans.  Evolution would suggest that over time, things should continue to improve. Our bodies would mutate and evolve into superior beings. This simply has not happened. The medical field has observed an increase in known diseases from mutations. The ability of some diseases to adapt and resist treatment has also been observed.

There are so many aspects of creation that we could devote a entire blog to this topic, but I will leave that to the experts. If you have not had the opportunity to visit the creation museum in Kentucky, I would highly recommend a visit. Information about this wonderful museum can be found at They also have many great resources on their website.

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