Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teaching At Bright Lights

For the past few years, we girls—as well as Mom—have been involved in a Bright Lights group. “Bright” stands for “Being Radiant In Godliness, Holiness, and Testimony.” It’s a Bible study group for girls, and we have really been blessed by not only the character building, Biblically-focused lessons, but also meeting other like-minded Christian girls.

Our most recent topic has been courtship. Since that is a subject that our family is very passionate about, we volunteered to help teach one of the lessons.

We set up a “Recommended Resources” table with many of the books, movies, and CD talks that we have regarding courtship and Biblical daughterhood.

Before we started the lesson, I helped organize an activity with the girls. Each group of 4 or 5 girls was given a stick of gum. They were allowed to touch the gum, rub it on their faces, stick it in between their toes, and generally mishandle it. Once the last person received the gum, we told them they could eat it. As you can guess, there were many exclamations of “Eww! Gross! I would never do that!” Later in the lesson, they found out that the gum represented their hearts, and how dating multiple people ruins the purity of the gum. One day our spouse will have to “chew our piece of gum.” Our job as young ladies is to keep it pure and undefiled for them. Who wants a passed-around, picked over, and mishandled piece of gum?

Mommy did a great job preparing and teaching the main lesson. She gave Biblical examples of godly relationships between men and women, and examples of ungodly relationships from scripture. She also talked about the main differences between Biblical courtship, and cultural dating.

To illustrate the principle of a young lady saving her whole heart for her future husband, the twins performed a skit! In the first part of the skit, Roma explained that she had prepared a cake for her friend. She had tried to take care of it, but there were a few times when she left it alone, allowed others to touch it, left it out in the rain, etc.
As a result of not guarding her heart-shaped cake, her friend was less than pleased with her “gift.” There were even whole chunks missing!
Rubia on the other hand, carefully guarded her heart/cake. She was able to present it to Roma as a whole heart.
Mom also talked about ways that young ladies can serve during their single years while they prepare for their future husband.

We really enjoyed the opportunity to teach the lesson, and hope that it will encourage the girls in our group to study the word of God and stand firm in their beliefs regarding Biblical romance and preparation for marriage!


Leah said...

I can't see the dvd titles clearly in the picture. Can you please tell me what they are? Thank you.

Cool that you ladies did the courtship lesson. It sounds interesting and wished that I was there to listen. I'm open to either courtship or dating but the two things that I'm most passionate about is to marry a Christian man and save everything 'physical' about me (including kisses) until the day I marry.

Happy Valentine's Day Bianca & family.

7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Leah! The DVD's pictured are "What is Biblical Femininity?", "Come What May," "Pamela's Prayer," and "Return of the Daughters." You can find links for some of these on our "Recommended Resources" page.

That is great that you have a strong conviction about marrying a Christian man and saving physical affection for marriage! The Lord has been convicting me a lot lately on what true Biblical romance looks like, whatever we call it.

If you're interested, we could email you the lesson my Mom shared at Bright Lights. Just send us an email through our "Contacts" page and we can send it to you.

I hope that you had a great Valentine's Day! Thank you for your comment!
