Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Flashbacks: Trip to West Virginia

One of our favorite vacations was one we took to West Virginia. What made the trip so special, is that we took it with friends who had relatives there. It was a short trip, but we had so much fun seeing the sights, and being with friends!

We saw beautiful waterfalls and mountains.

All of the kids. We had a blast together!

Our family in front of the falls.

We stopped for a visit at the Greenbrier Hotel. It was huge and magnificent!

One of our favorite stops was at the Lost World Caverns in Lewisburg, WV. Our first experience with caves!

We had lots of fun doing other things on the trip like eating out together, going to a family reunion, making special garden stepping stones during a power outage, and staying in the beautiful Pipestem area. We’d love to go back some day in the future!

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