Friday, May 18, 2012

Pets: Newton

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the many pets that have been part of our family in the past and the present. I thought it would be fun to do some blog posts on them and the story of how we found them.

The very first pet my parents had after they got married was Newton, a black and white cat. They adopted him from their local Humane Society when he was just a young kitten. Daddy was in school studying to be an engineer, and he was studying Isaac Newton. That’s where Newton got his name! J

Newton was quite a frisky and entertaining kitten. He was the “baby” of the family for quite some time.
He loved finding unique places to rest. These spots included the clean laundry basket, the inside of large mailing envelopes, the back of Mom’s legs when she was sprawled out on the couch, and on top of the coins she was stuffing into coin wrappers.
As Newton aged, he became a bit more sedentary.
He loved being King of the Couch!

Newton was a very special cat to Mom and Dad during the early years of their marriage. But around the time the twins were born, we had moved twice in one year and added several other pets to the family. The stress proved to be a bit too much for him. He started destroying our home, and we made the decision that it would be better to find another home for him.

We were very happy to find a kind family who had one daughter, and no other pets. Their home was very calm, and Newton loved his new family. He even slept on the girl’s bed with her! We loved Newton very much, but we knew this was best for him.

Next week, I’ll talk about the next kitty who entered our family: a sweet and feisty calico, named Novella.


Technoprairie said...

Our first cats were a pair of black ones named Norton and Thevenin. They were named after electrical engineering equivalent circuits.

7 Eagles said...

That's a neat naming idea, Technoprairie! Has the theme continued, or did the number of cats get too large? :-)


Technoprairie said...

We had all kinds of names for cats. Our next cat was so pretty, I named her Esther. We got a companion for her and named her Ether. It was a play on words for chemical names - Ester and Ether. Esther got run over and we had Ether for a long time. She was an ugly cat but a good one. People didn't know what to think of her strange name.

After Ester, we had Sarek and Amanda, Star Trek Names of course. Amanda disappeared and we got another cat for Sarek and named her The Dolman. Another Star Trek name and one that fitted her to a "T"! She had this bored, peeved look on her face just like The Dolman on the old Star trek show. Plus she was a pretty cat, like The Dolman.

Our current set of cats started out as Thomas the Tank Engine names - Thomas and Gordon. But both turned out to be girl cats so the boys switched them to Mavis and Daisy (more Thomas names). Daisy's gone now and we just have Mavis who is the best cat we've had yet. She's totally an outside cat and amazingly is 11 years old!

7 Eagles said...

I enjoyed hearing the many names you've had for your cats over the years, Technoprairie! I had to laugh at the Star Trek names; that definitely sounds like your family! :-)

If I get more cats in the future, I think I will name them after flowers. A male could be named Cosmo or Aster, and females could be named Rose, Lilac, etc. My cat's name is Zinnia, so it makes sense to continue the theme!
