Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Flashbacks: School Days

When we kids were younger, we did lots of hands-on learning for school. We were blessed to be in a large homeschool group that went on many field trips.

One such field trip was to a local nature center. In the above photo, we discussed insects and their stages of life while dressing up as butterflies.
Another project we did was making Alaskan Indian masks while studying history and geography. That’s Ben behind the mask, by the way. J
We studied ornithology by setting out foods to attract specific birds. We had a summer filled with watching Baltimore Orioles feast on oranges on our deck.
We learned about bees and keeping hives by visiting a bee-keeping farm. We were able to get very close up and see how a bee hive works.

*What is one of your favorite memories of your early education? Are there any field trips or projects that stick out in your mind? Please share them in the comments!*


Amy said...

One of my best memories is that my Mom didn't buy me a math book until I was in third grade. I didn't want to do "workbook" math, so we did hands-on math.

7 Eagles said...

That is a good memory, Amy! :-) I only did a few math workbooks in elementary school. I didn't start formal math (Saxon) until 4th grade. I'm very excited to be almost finished with my formal math books!
