Thursday, March 15, 2012

Josiah's Birthday

Several weeks ago, we celebrated Josiah’s birthday! Because of the timing of other events around his birthday, the celebration was spread over several days. Below are some pictures from when our family celebrated with a birthday trip:

In keeping with tradition, Josiah enjoyed a muffin for his breakfast in bed.

While the rest of us ate breakfast, he was allowed to open a few of his gifts. He was very pleased with some cowboy action figures and rubber ammo for his rifle.

After breakfast, we packed a snack-type lunch and left for his birthday trip.

Does anyone recognize this place? It’s the Midland Center for the Arts! Some of us older kids have memories of visiting this center when we were younger, but Josiah had never been.

One reason we were drawn to visit is because the current aviation art exhibit had model airplanes. J

Watching a movie on the making of a B-24 Liberator.

There were so many displays to see at the MCFTA! We saw a traveling exhibit on costume designs; a display with cloud photos; lots of Michigan history, and more!

The kids really enjoyed the space exhibit since they have been studying astronomy this year.

We had fun building with materials in the architecture display. Midland is home to many unique buildings built by Alden B. Dow.

There’s a funny story behind this picture. J In the logging display, there is a machine that stamps an imprint on little wooden blocks that you can take home. (The display was talking about how loggers stamped their wood.) Josiah was trying to stamp his piece of wood, and he just wasn’t strong/heavy enough, despite his chin up on the bar! J Daddy had to give him a little help!

After spending several hours at the museum we headed towards our next stop. We pulled up at a Big Boy’s restaurant, and Dad told us we were going to have some appetizers and desserts since we didn’t really have lunch. As we got out of the car, who drives up smiling but some of our dear friends! We were so excited to see them!

The twins and our friend, K. We had lots of appetizers at the restaurant including BBQ quesadillas, chicken quesadillas, mozzarella sticks, chicken fingers, and more.

For dessert, almost all of us ordered hot fudge cake. When they brought Josiah’s out, it was covered in sprinkles and the wait-staff sang “Happy Birthday” to him. This picture was nice but. . .

. . . this is how he really felt! J

After enjoying our food and fellowship, we had to say goodbye. L We hope to see our friends soon, and we were so glad they could join us!

When we got home, Josiah wanted to open his presents. He received many nice things including this Western play set.

We were all so full from eating at the restaurant, that we just had popcorn for dinner. We watched “Cars 2” while we ate, and then it was time for bed! Josiah’s birthday celebration continued for a few more days though. Come back next week to hear more!

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