Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunday Walk

This past Sunday afternoon, the weather was perfect for taking a family walk. The weather has been usually pleasant lately with the temperatures being in the 50’s and 60’s. We are really enjoying it!

‘Though many of us wore coats, they were shed after the first mile!
After walking our usual route, we decided to go exploring. There is some farmland behind our neighborhood, and we decided to take a closer look. When this picture was taken, Mikey was refusing to walk through an area with brambles. Since Ben couldn’t convince him to walk through, he got carried fireman-style! Unfortunately we didn’t get a picture of that, but you can imagine it! J
Looking out into the field.
I LOVE wide open spaces! It makes me want to hop on a horse and go riding.
An old path through the field.
The kids had lots of fun running around and looking for new things.
They found the creek that runs behind our house. It goes quite a ways!
Rubia and Mikey beside the creek.
On our way back, we saw a hawk circling overhead.
All of us kids and Mikey at the end of our walk. We really enjoyed ourselves and look forward to taking more walks later this spring and summer.

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